
We are all in this together! Support Local

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It is more important than ever before to support local business.

How can you support local?

What can you personally do?

You could purchase a coffee or take away meal from your local Restaurant that is trying to keep it’s head above water right now.

You could seek out local businesses for absolutely anything you want to buy.  You can buy online from local businesses too.

I know we are all looking for the best price. But just remember that when you support a local business, you are helping to feel the people we are walking past on the beach, or down the street. You are potentially long term actually helping to support your own business, because clearly if we all take on this attitude it will become a boomerang, right.

Now I am most definitely not saying that we should not support the world as a whole, I personally believe in supporting starving people in third world countries too, I believe we are all OF THE WORLD. So I do think that when it comes to getting ourselves the best price, we can’t be silly about this, I am not going to pay three times the price for something just to support local, but if I save that much money, guess what, I have all that left over money to spend locally.  So, there is also common sense that has to kick in here too.  

But for the most part if I can buy something from you that is a similar (ish) price, and you are local, then let’s start a culture here on the Sunny Coast to do just that. Let’s start a culture where we truly look to supporting each other FIRST.  Sure there will be times that you just can’t, but what if you actually made a pact with yourself to at least TRY, to at least have a look locally. 

I love the IGA’s I think they really get it, they are community based and they really do attempt to stock local products from their community, they attempt to buy local and sell local.  I love this, how could we take some wisdom from their example?

Roz White, our cover girl from our March issue says, “Looking after locals and our local community is what we are all about”. I think there is most definitely something to be learnt from this? So what could you personally do to support your local community more?

And What could we do to support you?

Go to the Matters Magazine facebook page and let us know to go in the draw to get an article in our next issue, all you have to do is share this magazine on your facebook and linked in, and then let us know what you do. That’s it you will then be in the draw to get a HALF PAGE article in our next issue.  (There will be four winners).  But as well as that I think the Sunshine Coast will win, this is a way of us really showing our support for each other, if you let us all know what you do, then if we need what you sell or provide, we can choose you. 

To go in the draw to win one of FOUR half pages in our next issue. (Value $1300 + gst each) 

You just need to do two things.

1.     Share this issue of the magazine  on your social media platforms www.mattersmagazine.com.au/currentissue

2.     Go to our facebook page and tell us what you do, maybe even give us an offer. Give us a reason to choose you 😊


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