What Our Clients Are Saying: Real Stories, Real Impact!
'Scroll down for video testimonials'
So grateful to have spent time with Vickie Magic, I spend a lot of time giving to others and encouraging other people to do this sort of thing, to press the pause button on their life and I've found that this is my opportunity to walk my talk and do that for me. I have recharged, reset and refuelled and also reconnected with some amazing people.
Jo HassanPink Wise Vitality Expert Business Coach 
I have been coming to Vickie Magic's retreats for the last ten years. I come every 90 days because they give me a real boost, I can reset my purpose, I can check on my progress. I can look at what I am doing wrong in life, and look at what I am doing right. I have lots of fun and I meet lots of like-minded woman, what's not to like?
Pippa ColmanPippa Colman and Associates Solicitors 
I first came to one of Vickie's retreats because my neighbor told me to. I'm committed to coming every quarter, because I know I need the recharge. It's all about bringing myself back to what's important and that has really happened for me. I wasn't in a good place when I first came and now I feel that I can take on the world.
Kylie Davis 
I came along to a retreat because there was blocks in my life. Yes, I have heard all of this before and I know what I need to do, but sometimes we just need that little kick to get doing it again. The weekend gave me not only the inspiration to do what I know I need to do, but also some new tools and some great speakers and for me just being around people who are like minded, who don't think you are wacky, don't think you are weird and who are practicing what they've learnt. It's just awesome, brilliant food, brilliant company and some great lessons to help me live my life. I would do it again any day.
Nicola Butler 
I have to say this has been one of the best experiences of my life as far as changing mindset and positivity and just looking at life differently. Probably one of the best things that I got out of the weekend was the burning of my limiting beliefs and just leaving it all behind, that itself I have to work on for the next three months, so I will be definite for Vickie's next retreat, so I will be back to solidify what I have learnt from this retreat.
Vickie Cooper 
I would just like to share with you how much I love coming to these retreats and working with Vickie Magic. We spend two nights all getting together and really setting our goals and intentions and getting our mindsets right. More than anything what I get the most out of things retreats is getting all my big ideas and big plans and all the things that I dream big about. Find the worth and value within ourselves. I highly recommend you to come to one of her retreats.
Vanessa WebsterWebstar Marketing 
I have been coming to Vickie's retreats for 12 years and I really really love the experience and I would recommend it to anybody.
Anna JamesSohovian Co working Space Brisbane 
I have come along to Vickie Magic's retreats so that I can learn some new powerful tips and mindset tools to help me live a more fulfilled, relaxed and happy life. I enjoy every single retreat even more than the last, and I will certainly be coming to the next because the tools that I take away I can implement every single day and not only does it help me in my life, but it has a ripple effect and it translates to my business and to my family. I just feel so much more like the best version of myself that I can be.
Fiona HallBright Investment Plans 
These retreats are amazing. They are great for checking in on yourself, getting your goals set straight in your mind, working out ways of exactly how you will achieve them. And also you make amazing connections with so many other women, deep real connections, actual real trustworthy connections, not just on the surface, so there is a lot to be said for it.
Anthea O'Sullivan- KovacevicSignal Fox 
I just would like to say what a wonderful few days I had on the retreat. I already had a fairly good idea of what I wanted to achieve for the year, but when I arrived it was clear to see that Vickie and the team had provided every one of us with the opportunity to create a whole new tool kit and create a rock solid plan for ourselves for the forthcoming year. . So the environment here has been very conducive to well being all round with beautiful food, gorgeous surroundings, being at one with nature, lots of peace and quite and a real sense of unity between woman, all successful in our own fields all coming together.Do yourself a favour and make some time for you.
Maria FaulderSuite Three Hair 
Vickie has been my incredible business coach since June 2018. During that time I have developed an inner strength and belief about myself that I never thought possible. I have gained confidence in my ability; skills to 'get the job done' and an overwhelming sense of freedom that allows me to make choices that serve my life for the better. Vickie provokes thoughts you didn't even know you had, guides you along your unique journey, and holds you accountable every step of the way making sure you achieve everything you set out to. This woman has impacted my life tenfold and I'm so grateful she came into my life. I am stronger, have more clarity and love myself more every day! Thank you Vickie Magic.
Rebecca VanZutphenPractice Manager - Avenue Dental Kawana 
I personally met Vickie about 12 months ago when I joined the team here at Fox Finance Group. Vickie is a bit of a go to person in our business when we want to get the team together for a chat about life and business. Vickie has spent time with our team in group sessions which have proven very helpful on a business and personal level for our team as Vickie has a knack of getting you to hold the mirror up in front of yourself and look within. We have also had Vickie sit confidentially one on one with some of our team members that have been struggling with different areas of life to gain a different view of how they could tackle their challenges. If you haven’t experienced what Vickie can offer your business yet, I encourage you to sit with her for a chat real soon.
Nathan DrewManaging Director - Fox Finance Group 
All high performing athletes have a coach and they normally allocate more time to training & improving than they do competing. Like a high performing athlete, as a business owner it is important to have a coach and to allocate some time to improving your performance as a leader on the business. I’m proud and fortunate to say Vickie has coached me and many of my team members. Over the years she has really made a difference in not only my business and personal life but the lives on many of my team members. I highly recommend every business owner to take the next step, engage with Vickie and enjoy the rewards for you and your business.
Dan FoxFox Finance Group - Founding Director 
I have just been on Vickie Magic's weekend retreat at the beautiful Maleny venue. I like to check in with Vickie's retreats every now and then, really just to keep my my mindset on track and keep my energy topped up. Vickie always teaches us brilliant new tools that we can use in our everyday life, and that's always so helpful for me. Even more than that it's the connection we make with the beautiful women we meet on every retreat, we make instant and life long friendships. Thank you Vickie.
Angela KoningEquenti Leadership and Learning 
This is the first retreat that I have come to with Vickie, a girlfriend invited me to come along, she thought it would be beneficial to me at the moment, with everything going on and I can honestly say she was correct. Vickie is amazing, the things I have learnt about myself have been incredible, I am walking away from this retreat feeling much more relaxed and much more comfortable to where my life is now heading. Thank you Vickie
Kaz Tuckwell-JonesRodan and Fields Consultant 
I am the massage therapist, I am the one that pampers everyone while they are here and I definitely recommend Vickie's retreats. You can come along and just change your life and become a whole new person for the better with a happier life. Hope to see you here.
Gaynor Gillies 
I have been at Vickie's workshop this weekend. It's been great to redefine and reboot what I am looking at doing in the future.
Kerri Steelewww.karinyamontessori.com 
These retreats are a great way to remind myself of things I already know, but that I forget in the busyness of normal life. It's a great way to reconnect with myself and my goals and values. It's the most supportive group you will ever find.
Eryn Laine 
The reason I love coming to the retreats is that I am reminded of the things I already know, but I have the chance to relearn things, rediscover things about life and the universe. I also get to meet some beautiful women and make some really good friendships and connections. I also get to take some time out for me to rebuild and rejuvenate.
Natalie Carrol 
I have been doing Vickie's weekend retreats for over 12 years now. I come to every retreat that I can because they help me with my goals, my values and my outlook on life. And they give me a check-up from the neck up. I highly recommend them.
Pippa ColmanPippa Colman and Associates 
A little more from Vickie's clients.
YOU MATTER RETREATS can be life changing. Vickie is passionate about encouraging and empowering her participants to step up and into the best version of themself possible. Since 2010 Vickie has been learning and sharing this work. She is an Internationally Accredited Life and Business Coach, NLP Trained, and has taken on many other trainings in that time to increase her knowledge.
Let’s let some of her happy clients share instead?
Vickie says, “Hearing and reading the words from so many clients lights me up, Thank you to each and every one of you for your kind words, I value and appreciate you more than you will ever know”.